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Mother's Day Trio Bundle  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Mother's Day Trio Bundle
"Delight Mom with a trio of exquisite floral arrangements, each bursting with love and appreciation. This special bundle features three unique creations, meticulously crafted to express the warmth of maternal love. From elegant roses to delicate lilies, each arrangement tells a story of gratitude and admiration. Whether adorning her dining table, brightening her workspace, or gracing her bedside, these blooms are a heartfelt tribute to the woman who fills our lives with love and joy. Celebrate Mother's Day in style with this enchanting trio, a beautiful expression of gratitude for the extraordinary mom in your life."
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Shown at $325.00
Shown at $325.00
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Soft Pink Symphony  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Soft Pink Symphony
"Soft Pink Symphony" evokes the image of a harmonious blend of delicate pink blooms dancing together in perfect rhythm. This enchanting arrangement features an array of soft pink flowers, gracefully arranged to create a symphony of elegance and charm. With its gentle hues and airy composition, "Soft Pink Symphony" exudes a sense of tranquility and sophistication, making it the perfect centerpiece for any occasion where a touch of subtle beauty is desired.
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Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
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24 MIXED ROSES $210.00
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Lavender Mist Bouquet  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Lavender Mist Bouquet
"Envelop yourself in the ethereal beauty of our Lavender Mist Bouquet. This enchanting arrangement combines the soothing hues of lavender and soft blush pink, evoking a sense of tranquility and grace. Delicate blooms dance amidst a gentle mist of lavender, creating a serene ambiance that soothes the soul and uplifts the spirit. Perfect for moments of reflection, relaxation, or as a heartfelt gesture of appreciation."
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Shown at $135.00
Shown at $135.00
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BEEP BEEP $85.00
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Marmalade Magic  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Marmalade Magic
Step into a world of enchantment with "Marmalade Magic," where whimsy meets floral elegance in a delightful fusion of orange hues. This arrangement evokes the warmth of a sunlit orchard, where citrus blooms dance with joyous abandon. Like rays of sunlight captured in petals, each blossom exudes a vibrant energy that infuses the room with a sense of playfulness and charm. From the gentle rustle of leaves to the sweet scent of ripe fruit, every element of this bouquet whispers tales of merriment and delight. Embrace the magic of "Marmalade Magic" and let its radiant blooms transport you to a realm where imagination knows no bounds and every moment is filled with possibility.
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Shown at $115.00
Shown at $115.00
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Sunbeam Style Clutch  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Sunbeam Style Clutch
"Sunbeam Style Clutch" is a radiant floral arrangement that exudes warmth and style. Nestled within a sleek black clutch, vibrant yellow blooms burst forth like rays of sunshine, creating a striking contrast against the dark background. Each blossom is a testament to the beauty of nature's golden hues, captivating the eye and uplifting the spirit. This arrangement is a perfect blend of elegance and vivacity, making it an ideal centerpiece to brighten any space with its sunny charm. "Sunbeam Style Clutch" brings a touch of sophistication and sunshine wherever it goes, making it a statement piece for any occasion.
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Shown at $90.00
Shown at $90.00
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Daisy Delicacy Cake- MOM  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Daisy Delicacy Cake- MOM
"Introducing the Daisy Delicacy Cake MOM, a stunning floral arrangement that mimics the elegant layers of a traditional cake. Crafted with an abundance of fresh, daisies and subtle green foliage, this unique creation is a celebration of natural beauty and artistic flair. Each layer is carefully arranged to resemble cake tiers, offering a visual feast that’s as delightful as its botanical namesake. Perfect for a charming centerpiece that brings a touch of whimsy and freshness to your home, the Daisy Delicacy Cake is a testament to the enchantment flowers can bring to every occasion."
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Shown at $100.00
Shown at $100.00
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KIM'S DOZEN $108.00
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Ariel's Under The Sea  in Apopka, FL | APOPKA FLORIST
Ariel's Under The Sea
"Dive into a mesmerizing underwater world with our enchanting flower arrangement, aptly named 'Under the Sea.' Inspired by the vibrant hues and graceful movements of ocean life, this arrangement transports you to a realm of tranquility and wonder. Shades of blue and green dance among the petals like shimmering waves, while accents of coral and seafoam add depth and intrigue. Each bloom is meticulously chosen and artfully arranged to evoke the beauty and mystery of the ocean depths. Whether displayed as a centerpiece or gifted to a loved one, 'Under the Sea' brings the serene magic of aquatic splendor to any space, inviting you to immerse yourself in its captivating allure."
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Shown at $75.00
Shown at $75.00
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Custom Flower Design
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